Export your elec calc™ data to Excel
Export the data from your elec calc™ project and use it in a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet.
All your data becomes easily accessible for use in preliminary study or in operation: on-site device settings, equipment orders, cost studies, interfacing with an internal tool …
Generation of spreadsheets is done using templates provided with the software.
After selecting the appropriate model, a preview is displayed on the screen. Just click on the Export Excel button to open Microsoft Office Excel with the corresponding spreadsheet.
Discover more features
User interface
- User-friendly interface
- Drawing grid
- Easy to use calculation software
Configuration and customization
- Client-server application
- Licenses and system requirements
Project manager
- User access management
- User defined templates
- Revisions management
- Marking
- Multi-level data entering
- Locations manager and environment parameters
- Notes and related documents
Electrical calculation features
- One-line diagram
- HV/LV real-time calculation
- Power balance
- Short-circuit currents calculation
- Cable cross-section calculation
- Operating modes
- Discrimination (selectivity)
- Limitation and cascading (back-up)
- Multi-sources and multi-receivers
- Voltage drops
- Compensation of the reactive energy
- Harmonics
- Earthing systems
Standards and regulations
Documentation and data exchange
Communication with other software
Database and components