Building Information Modelling (BIM) represents a turning point when it comes to the digitization of the building industry. Here are 4 of the most common misconceptions around BIM:
1. BIM is a technology
BIM is not only a technology but a workflow that promotes interoperability between various stakeholders as they share graphical and numerical data project information. BIM is the management of information throughout the life of an asset, from conception until eventual demolition.
The BIM virtual asset delivers multiple benefits, as it is possible to improve communication and productivity, detect eventual clashes, and avoid errors and costly delays derived by rework on site.
Besides, BIM and its predictive analytics manage large amounts of data, so the accuracy and quality of the information is improved. All the professionals involved in the project can access the information, as the documentation produced derives from a single digital model. This process guarantees the uniformity and consistency of data. Within the industry, there are evolving software technologies available, which are BIM compatible and integrated through non-proprietary IFC formats. It is therefore evident that we are not simply talking about technological innovation, but it has to do with more profound changes in terms of management, level of processes, and also a mindset.

2. BIM is for big companies
BIM isn’t just for big companies. BIM will be the DNA of every construction project. This implies a change in the dynamics known up to now in the construction world. BIM is an integrated practice that offers a solution to minimize problems related to fragmentation in the construction industry.
For years the construction industry has tried to renew itself and deliver significant efficiencies and cost-savings. BIM is a driving force that has nothing in common with the old-fashioned paper methods of yesterday. BIM has been disruptive for the whole construction industry.
The philosophy of BIM establishes a collaborative, interoperable, and interactive work environment able to improve the performance of each phase of the project. Although in the beginning governments were increasingly encouraging the use of BIM only in public infrastructure, all the professionals can seize the opportunities.

3. BIM is an established model
BIM is not an established model. A BIM plan is needed for planning, design, delivery, and efficient management. the technology, the processes, and the policies in order to guide and guarantee the collaborative process among the various actors during the whole construction process. Check how to do a BIM plan.
Its fundamental mission is to examine and evaluate the objectives of the BIM process and develop a coherent plan that satisfies customer needs, creating synergies between the team experience and the availability of the resources (Kymmel, 2008).
4. BIM is 3D modeling
BIM is not just 3D modeling. BIM undoubtedly marks a paradigm shift in which CAD loses its centrality in planning and modeling projects as 3D models are just a part of the whole BIM philosophy. BIM refers to both the model(s) representing the physical characteristics of the project and to all the information contained in and attached to the component of these models. A BIM may include any of or all the 2D, 3D, 4D (time element scheduling), 5D (cost information), or nD (energy, sustainability, facilities management, etc., information) represents a project. One of the main features of BIM is the generation of information that is shared throughout the entire life cycle of the building project.
This is also a fundamental prerequisite for the establishment of an integrated and collaborative work environment. The BIM model can be considered as a unique source of truth, one common database used as the basis of knowledge of the building project. The 3D asset model makes it possible to generate visualizations that all stakeholders can interact with and at this level, the transparency of the information leads to a greater degree of involvement.
elec calc BIM
elec calc™ BIM stands out as the unique electrical design software solution responding to the BIM challenges. This is the world’s first calculating software that seamlessly integrates elec calc™- the electrical equipment used in sizing projects – with different design platforms and architectural 3D models, thanks to its unique IFC standard use approach.
BIM simulates the construction project in a virtual environment. Just as elec calc™BIM solution allows you to create a one-line diagram of electrical installation from the BIM model and defining the cable routing (calculating lengths, adding cables as objects).
The key benefit of BIM is its accurate geometrical representation of the parts of a building, in an integrated data environment. Some great features of elec calc™ BIM include IFC Explorer, your electrical objects are recognized from IFC data and interactions between Explorer, 3D Viewer, and elec calc™ one-line diagram, identifying components in real time between your 3D Viewer and the one-line diagram.

Learn more about elec calc BIM